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May 31, 1931 - May 24, 2009


On one of Gwen and Gene’s  daily walks through the church parking lot they  met Mabel Templeton who invited them to come to Faith.  Soon after they joined in 1990 they were serving the Lord with their many talents.  Gwen left a huge imprint of service to her Lord through Faith Presbyterian Church and the community.  


Gwen was an ordained Deacon and Elder.  As an Elder she chaired the Worship Commission, the Personnel committee, the Alpha Pre-School Board, and Christian Outreach Commission to name a few of the challenges she accepted and met.  At the time of her recent illness and death she was the Church Financial Secretary and Presbyterian Women Treasurer.  She served on our most recent Pulpit Nominating Committee.   She taught Bible School, she was an adopted grandma to many children in the church and community.  When there was an outbreak of head lice in the nursery, she was the chief scrubber, washer, etc being sure all the toys, bedding, carpets and walls were cleaned.   She cooked for Youth Encounter, the sick, the bereaved.  She sewed book bags and filled for Festival of Sharing.   She painted the walls, she cleaned, etc.   Gwen studied and discussed the Bible with the PW Morning Circle ladies.  The list is long and would exhaust most people.  Gwen knew her strength for each new day was from God and not to be wasted.    She knew God never asks us to do something without giving us power for the task.


      G - Generous with her time, talent and money                     

      W- Witness for Christ

      E -  Encourager

      N - Never spoke ill of another person

      D - Doer                            

      O - Outgoing

      L - Loved unconditionally

      Y - Youthful

      N - Nurturer


Gwen’s life reflected these words, “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might”.  Ephesians 6:10

Family and friends attest Gwen made a difference in their lives.  We are so thankful she chose to be a part of the Faith family many years ago.

Grace Michaels


Grace Michaels, a longtime member of Faith since the 1960s, joined the church triumphant on May 5, 2009.


Although she has been homebound in the last few years she continued to pray for others, to share the joy, love, and her caring manner with her family and friends.  She served God and her church using her talent to make others feel special and loved .   With  a ready smile and a twinkle in her eyes you were always welcomed into her home and her church. 


When there was a need she was there to say “Here I Am, Lord”.  She was an ordained Deacon and an Elder serving well in various capacities on Christian Outreach, Worship Commission, Christian Nurture Commission, Ways and Means Committee and Treasurer of the Faith.  Grace was involved in Presbyterian Women serving as circle chairman, Mission and Service Moderator, cooking for shut-ins, baking cookies, and serving on many special projects. 


Other special memories of Grace::


~  Did you know that she and Eleanor Brown planted the seed for the monthly men’s breakfast by preparing biscuits and gravy, coffee and juice for a Saturday workday? 


~  Grace was one of the few women allowed the last day of the men’s annual fishing weekend because she fixed the best fried potatoes..


~  Grace gave a beautiful hand knitted with love and prayers baby afghan to the new babies.   Many of those babies are grown and using them for their children today.


Grace and her husband George set a standard of giving of their tithes, talents, and time to their Lord. 


We are thankful for how their lives  touched others in the church and the community.






Marie Reece


On May 3 our friend Marie Reece joined the church triumphant.   We have enjoyed her friendship and participation in the life of Faith Presbyterian Church in the past 10 years.  The choir was blessed when she shared her musical talents singing in the chancel choir and voluntarily playing the piano in the absence of the organist.  We were especially thankful last August when she readily agreed to play the piano for worship service when the scheduled singing group could not appear.  She selected familiar hymns with just an hour notice.  What a gracious lady! 


 Marie loved to travel!  Not sure how many cruises she and sister Mildred Fennimore enjoyed with family.   Just remember they had such a great time they were already planning the next trip upon their return.


Marie will always remain in our hearts as one of the FROGGS  ( Faith Retired Outstanding Guys and Gals)!  She was a brave courageous woman who shared a positive outlook on life with all of us. 

We are glad she was a part of our church family. 


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